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 7 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Hermann Limbourg"Advanced Search
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The Belles Heures of Jean de France, duc de Berry, 1405-1408/1409. Creators: Hermann Limbourg, Jean Limbourg, Paul Limbourg.
June - the palace and the Sainte-Chapelle, 15th century, (1939). Creators: Hermann Limbourg, Jean Limbourg, Paul Limbourg, Jean Colombe.
Carthusian monks netting and hooking fish in fishponds at Chartreuse, France, 15th century. Artist: Paul Limbourg
March, 1412-1416. Artist: Paul Limbourg
April, 1412-1416. Artist: Paul Limbourg
May, 1412-1416. Artist: Paul Limbourg
A plan of Rome, 1412-1416. Artist: Hermann Limbourg